Kris Morningstar of Blue Velvet- Not any more

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Monday, November 5, 2007


Wow the world of blogs has taken another at Undercover LA I will be posting experiences from around Los Angeles. When I read restaurant reviews I have to wonder if they knew who they were serving? My guess is sometimes yes and sometimes no, but deep down I have to wonder "what is the experience like for the rest of us?" I read reviews telling of these horrendous experiences and wounder "is the bar too high?" Would anyone else even think of knocking an establishment because the bus boy didn't fill the water glass quick enough? Yes! I completely agree with painting a clear picture but sometimes I here's my blog. It's gonna be kind of a hodge podge of food stuff and day trips from around LA with me writting about my experiences and comparing them to the reviews of the most discerning pallets from accross Los Angeles. Undercover LA is the Blue Colar review of LA's Food scene.

1 comment:

Wendy C said...

This is a great idea!! I'll definitely add my two cents from time to time.
